
August 24, 2022
Shelby’s Spirit
The boy kept asking his parents, “Please, can we get a dog?” They agreed to adopt a beautiful Golden Retriever, named Shelby, and their deep friendship began. She was special from the beginning. Shelby had endless energy and was the perfect playmate because she simply lov...Read More

August 24, 2022
Rusty, The Mountain Dog
Rusty loves to hike with his parents in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Asheville, North Carolina. He meets many new friends on his hikes and learns the value of friendship. Soon he learns that his parents are expecting their first child, a baby girl. She will become his cons...Read More

August 23, 2022
Welcome To Nancy Bowen Brown Books
Welcome to my home on the web at https://nancybrownbooks.com We hope you will enjoy your experience with your family and friends. Thank you for connecting! https://linkedin.com/in/nancybowenbrownRead More